Should I Use Distilled Water To Clean Windows?

Distilled water is very pure water. 

However, unlike deionized water, it does NOT attract minerals to itself. It also still contains a whole host of minerals and elements that can cause water spots. 

It’s not worse than regular water at causing water spots - but it’s also not really any better. While you might spare your windows from some of the random chemicals often present in tap water, using distilled water does not eliminate the water spot issue.

You’ll also spend a LOT more money in the process.

If you’re cleaning your windows yourself and you want to use a fancy water for your final rinse, we recommend using deionized water over distilled water. Distilled water will rinse as well as regular tap water, but you’ll still have to use a clean, dry cloth to buff windows dry to remove water spots, so you’re not really saving yourself any effort.

If you’d like to save yourself ALL the effort, give the Salt Lake Valley pros at City Creek Window Cleaning a call today at 801 261 5565 - we’ll have your windows sparkly and spotless in no time!


3 Little-Known Tips For Super-Clean Windows


Should I Use Deionized Water To Clean Windows?