Should I Avoid Cleaning My Windows In Winter?

This may seem an odd question because of course you should wash your windows, regardless of the season, right?

Well, yes…but with certain provisos.

Windows should be washed a minimum of once per year to keep them in good condition. It also makes a massive difference to the amount of natural light that makes it into your home, which can affect more than just your vision - it can affect your mood.

However, washing windows in sub-zero or close to zero temperatures can be challenging at least, and dangerous at best, as the cleaning solution can freeze onto your window before you can wipe it off. This not only cements the dirt and grime in place (unless you systematically go round with a hairdryer!) until they defrost, but depending on the cleaning solution, the ongoing contact with the window pane can actually etch into and damage it.

That being said, if your windows are dirty, you should clean them; just wait for a day or time of day when the weather isn’t so numbingly cold.

If the thought of washing windows in winter has you heading for the nearest hot batch, no fear - give the Utah professionals at City Creek Window Cleaning a call today at 801 261 5565. We’ll have your windows sparkling again in a jiffy, without you having to risk a single frostbitten finger!


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