How To Keep Exterior Windows Clean


There’s nothing quite like that lovely feeling of clean, freshly-washed windows. So how can you keep your windows looking sparkling clean for longer? It’s simple when you know how - just follow our easy, two-step guide to keep your windows looking their best for longer.

1 Make Your Own Cleaning Solution

Rubbing alcohol and Castille soap are readily available, and this potent-yet-gentle combo will help you get water droplets and bird poop off your windows in a jiffy. 

Mix together 4 tablespoons of Castille soap, 4 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and 1/2 gallon warm water in a plastic bucket.

2 Use The Right Amount Of Product.

Most people think ‘more is better’ and so they over-saturate the glass with cleaning solution. But when you use too much, you end up spending a LOT more time wiping off the excess rather than actually cleaning. 

Dip a double-sided squeegee into your bucket of homemade solution and, using the sponge side, apply the solution to your window panes. Use just enough to wet the glass but not so much that you have a river running down to your sneakers.

A great sneaky tip for catching excess or dirty water run-off is to roll up an old towel and place it at the base of the window to catch drips as you work. 

Moving from left to right, top to bottom, try to keep the squeegee in constant contact with the window surface - this will help avoid squeegee-streaks. 

Wipe down with a soft, dry microfiber cloth to remove any last drips or streaks. 

When your willpower and stamina for touchups is exhausted, call the professionals at City Creek Window Cleaning at (801) 261-5565 to schedule a professional window cleaning treatment. We’ll bring out the big (water) guns to get your windows looking fabulous again in no time.


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