Can I Use A Brush To Clean Solar Panels?

It very much depends on the brush.

If you're using a soft brush with very flexible bristles along with soapy water, this can be one of the best ways to clean your solar panels. The soft bristles won't damage the surface, and adding soap and water reduces friction even further, along with emulsifying any dirt that gets scrubbed free.

So if you're using a soft brush with water and soap, go for it - we give it a big thumbs up.

If the brush in question has firmer or (heaven forbid) rigid bristles and/or you're not using soapy water, the answer is absolutely No. The brush alone can damage the surface of the solar panel, and even when used with water, it still has the potential to scratch or cause damage to the sensitive outer layers.

Solar panels are more delicate than they might seem and need careful, informed care and maintenance to work at top notcht.

If the thought of climbing up there to scrub at your solar panels makes you instantly vertiginous, give the pros at City Creek Window Cleaning a call today at 801 261 5565. We'll be up the ladder and polishing up your solar panels in a jiffy!


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