Can I Just Get The Inside Of My Windows Cleaned?

In a word, absolutely!

Many people think they have to wait until both inside and outside are super grimy and you feel like you’re in a Film Noir movie every time you look out the window, but there’s no need to wait if your inside window panes are grubby.

Inside panes get dirty for slightly different reasons to outside panes.

Inside your home, dust is constantly being created, stirred up and floating about. Even vacuuming can send plumes of dust billowing into the air and landing on convenient smooth surfaces, like your windows.

Cooking fumes often pick up tiny particles of oil from cooking food, and these can accumulate on glass, making it super attractive to any dust floating by.

Pet hair and dander can be an airborne dustdevil, sending random hairs and bits of discarded pet onto nearby windows and other surfaces.

Having dirty interior windows does not mean that you or your house are dirty. It’s a natural product of living in a home whilst being human!

At City Creek Window Cleaning, we are not partial to just outside window surfaces; we are just happy cleaning interior window panes.

If your inside window surfaces are getting nasty, give the Utah experts at City Creek Window Cleaning a call today at 801 261 5565. We’ll have your windows all sparkly again in a jiffy!


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